News and media

The People’s Project privileged to host Prime Minister Ardern

The People’s Project privileged to host Prime Minister Ardern

The Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern visited the Wise Group in Hamilton today to learn more about the vital work it is leading in mental health, homelessness, social justice and wellbeing for young people. Alongside Wise Group joint chief executive Julie Nelson, the Prime Minister spent time with The People’s Project’s service manager Kerry Hawkes and strategic analyst Carole McMinn to learn about the success the team has had in Hamilton using the Housing First approach.

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New Year, new faces in The People’s Project Hamilton team

New Year, new faces in The People’s Project Hamilton team

The People’s Project Hamilton welcomed in the New Year with the addition of six more people to its Garden Place Hamilton team. Project lead and Wise Group joint chief executive Julie Nelson said it was a watershed moment for the team, which has now doubled in size.

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Breaking barriers – the power of employment

Breaking barriers – the power of employment

From time-to-time we come across stories from overseas that resonate with our work and also inspire the work we do. We know housing breaks the cycle of homelessness, and employment can help break the cycle of poverty. We’re having discussions about what more we can do to support people into employment after they move from the streets into their own home; it’s just the start of a bigger focus around people, wellbeing and the ability to live a great life. Check out this story from the UK about an organisation that is helping homeless people from the streets into employment.

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